Effect of the composite temperature and humidity test on the sound absorption coefficient of fibrous materials used in automotive applications
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BOSMAL Automotive Research & Development Institute Ltd
Publication date: 2018-09-28
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2018;81(3):29-38
In this article an attempt to determine the effect of composite temperature and humidity test on the sound absorption coefficient for commonly used materials in vehicles is described. Three types of fibrous materials were selected. The absorption coefficient was determined for material samples and then the materials were tested with composite temperature and humidity test. After the test, the sound absorption coefficient was measured again. The difference between the absorption coefficients before and after the test shows the actual effect on the sound absorption. An impedance tube was used to determine the absorption coefficient. Results are presented in graphs and tables for three types of fibrous materials. The method of measurement is described and conclusions are drawn.
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