Assessment of the influence of the advanced emergency braking systems on pedestrian safety
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Automotive Industry Institute
Publication date: 2017-09-30
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2017;77(3)
The paper presents benefits of application of Advanced Emergency Braking Systems (AEBS) from the pedestrian’s safety point of view. The main parameters were the number of undesirable events (running over a pedestrian) and accidents as well as the probability of the pedestrian death or serious injury. The relationship between probability of injury (fatal or serious) and parameters: impact velocity and pedestrian’s age was based on statistical data from the literature. Then, using the Monte Carlo method, analysis of the accident-prone situations (1,000 cases for each of the 10 different distances between pedestrian and car) was carried out. Variability of the parameters such as: car’s initial velocity, driver’s reaction time, braking deceleration, delay in brake activation, time of braking deceleration increase was described with the use of normal or log-normal distributions. Pedestrian’s age was presented as a special distribution approximating the population pyramid in Poland. The analysis conducted showed a significant increase of pedestrian safety (decrease in the following parameters: number of undesirable events and accidents, probability of death or serious injury by 40-50%). This paper presents the benefits from the introduction of advanced driver assistance systems on the example of ABES, which are not yet widely used and will be implemented in the future.
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