Official driving licence examination adapted for the deaf
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Automotive Industry Institute PIMOT
Publication date: 2018-09-28
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2018;81(3):109-128
The article highlights the problems encountered by the deaf people who want to obtain a driving licence and describes the steps taken by a Consortium that run a project named GŁUSI (THE DEAF) within the “Social Innovations” Programme of the National Centre for Research and Development. The project objective was to make it more realistic for the deaf to obtain a motor vehicle driving licence by creating such examination conditions that would remove barriers preventing the access of the deaf to a success in the tests. In the regulations in force, not all examinees were equally treated by the legislator, who failed to provide a possibility of verifying the theoretical knowledge of the citizens who cannot use Polish language because of their disability. The fact that people who needed extra care from state authorities were burdened with requirements beyond their capacity was unjustifiable from social justice point of view; conversely, it made the unfair treatment of the disabled even worse. Since, according to legislator’s opinion, disabled people can obtain the right to drive motor vehicles, the depriving them of such a possibility solely because of the lack of appropriate examination tests and impossibility of communication when they drive a car is irrational. The regulations that govern the principles of examining the candidates for drivers do not provide any possibility of departure from the general rules. Thus, they limit the right of the deaf to live on their own and to move freely as the fully able people do. They also weaken the position of the deaf in the labour market and, in consequence, make it more difficult for such people to improve their and their families’ standard of living and quality of life.
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