The Directive Facilitating Cross-Border Exchange of Information
Department of Documents and Registers, Presidium of the Police Force, Slovak Republic
IRIS SH, s.r.o., Slovak Republic
Data nadesłania: 20-03-2021
Data ostatniej rewizji: 29-05-2021
Data akceptacji: 14-06-2021
Data publikacji: 30-06-2021
Autor do korespondencji
Vladimíra Hudecová   

Department of Documents and Registers, Presidium of the Police Force, Račianska 45, 81272, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2021;92(2):17-31
The main aim of EU´s Vision Zero is “no fatalities or serious injures through road accidents should be met by 2030”. With this long-term road safety strategy, the EU wants to purposefully and gradually overcome the failures of previous measures that have failed to result in reducing the number of road accidents victims. The last three years of EU policy on road safety have improved this area only minimally. This paper provides an analysis of the EU road safety strategies and deals mainly with the directive on the cross-border exchange of information. This directive seems to have become an effective tool for the prevention of cross-border traffic offences from a long-term perspective. The main aim of this directive is to take preventive action against road traffic offenders in order to correct their road behaviour through sanctions to discourage them from committing more serious offences, including fatal accidents. This article also outlines current crucial findings resulting from the application of this directive, which should be resolved by its planned revision.
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