Impact of change of consignor on responsibility for loading and fastening of goods in vehicle in the Slovak Republic.
Department of Road and Urban Transport, University of Zilina
Data nadesłania: 18-03-2021
Data ostatniej rewizji: 07-05-2021
Data akceptacji: 14-06-2021
Data publikacji: 30-06-2021
Autor do korespondencji
Miloš Poliak   

Department of Road and Urban Transport, University of Zilina
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2021;92(2):5-15
From the point of view of road safety and traffic flow, it is very important to follow the rules laid down by law. One such rule is to comply with the maximum permissible weights and dimensions of road vehicles and to secure the goods correctly so that they do not move during transport. From the customer's position, it is most advantageous to transport as many goods as possible, and therefore the goods are sometimes loaded to the maximum capacity of the vehicle, regardless of its maximum permissible weight. Failure to follow these rules can result in the destruction of property, faster wear and tear on roads and, in some cases, the death of a person. The aim of the paper is to explain who in the Slovak Republic is responsible for loading and fastening the goods in the vehicle. Indicate the financial consequences for the person responsible for exceeding the permissible weight and insufficient fastening of the goods. On the basis of statistical data to prove that there is a constant overload of vehicles in the Slovak Republic. In recent years, the transport documents used in road transport have been neutralized in order to change some of the information written in it, and the aim is also to find out whether such activity has any impact on the responsibility for loading and fastening the goods in the vehicle.
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