Statistical Editor's guidelines on paper preparation

Below are several recommendations for authors regarding self-citations, citation databases, references to websites, and statistical issues:

  • Self-citations: Adhere to the guideline that the number of self-citations should not exceed the recommended value, i.e., limit self-citations to one per every twenty literature items.
  • Citation databases: It is advisable to ensure that at least 50% of all cited works are indexed in databases such as Scopus and Web of Science.
  • Bibliographic references: It is considered appropriate for each bibliographic entry to be accompanied by a corresponding citation in the text. Avoid adding entries to the bibliography that lack representation in the article's content.
  • Citing websites: Ensure that cited websites include complete and accurate references. When referencing websites, it is crucial to provide the date of access, enabling readers to verify the information's timeliness.
  • Complete bibliographic description: It is necessary for all cited items to have a comprehensive bibliographic description. For items with a DOI number, it is essential to include this information.
  • Statistical issues: Precisely define all statistical concepts presented in the article. Ensure that all statistical calculations are accurate and align with the adopted methodologies.
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